Jesus Words Only


"The presence of anti-Pauline texts in [Matthew's] Gospel, point inevitably towards the conclusion that the evangelist himself [sic: really Jesus] was anti-Pauline." D.C. Sim [2002:780]

Jesus' Words Only


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

What Did Jesus Say? (2012) - 7 topics 

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Jesus Words Only
Jesus Words Only

Jesus Words on Salvation
Jesus Words on Salvation

Did Calvin Murder Servetus?

Unintended Disservice of Young Earth Science


Christian attorney, Andrew S. Balian, has just released in 2011 an important book advising Christians to end the debate over a young earth for the good of the gospel. It provides Biblical support for keeping to ourselves an issue that (a) does not promote the gospel; (b) damages the promotion of the gospel; and (c) is not a clear cut issue either Biblically or measured by the early views of the church on the meaning of Genesis One.

You can buy a copy following the link below. Blessings. One reviewer recently wrote Mr. Balian:


"I first want to state how impressed I was with your book The Unintended Disservice of Young Earth Science.  Your points are both well-researched and engagingly presented....Thank you for your excellent book.  I really appreciate the extensive bibliography.  I’ve used it effectively and will continue to do so as a reference volume. In Christ. Bob"

Now available also on Amazon Kindle for just $9.99 at this Amazon link!

You may reach Andrew Balian at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Mr. Balian's website with more materials on his studies is at this link.





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