Jesus Words Only


"The Spirit of the Apostles is not a guide equal or greater than the Lord, thus Paul within his letters does not have as much authority as has Christ" (Carlstadt, Canonicis Scripturis (1520)

Jesus' Words Only


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

What Did Jesus Say? (2012) - 7 topics 

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Jesus Words Only
Jesus Words Only

Jesus Words on Salvation
Jesus Words on Salvation

Did Calvin Murder Servetus?

Did Jesus warn in Matthew 24:5 to 7, 23-27 about the Jesus Paul met in wilderness outside Damascus?


Video Description

Jesus warned in his talk to the apostles at the Mount of Olives that after He ascends to heaven, many imposters will come in his name saying they are Himself, but do not believe them if someone claims to have seen Him return from heaven just in a wilderness place or in a private room. Jesus says the distinction of how He will reappear on earth is that when it's truly him every eye will see Him from every point East and West. See our article on Matthew 24:5 to 7, 23-27. Paul in Acts 9:1-11 in the wilderness outside Damascus met someone saying "I am Jesus." Those with Paul saw no one but heard the voice. This fits Jesus' warning to a tee about a false return by Jesus from heaven prior to the Ascension.

Immediately after Paul's experience with someone saying "I am Jesus," Paul wanted to go to Jerusalem to try to see the apostles. But the Jesus whom Paul met outside Damascus appears to Paul in a trance (recounted in Acts 22:17) who tells Paul to depart from Jerusalem because the church there -- the 12 apostles in context -- will not believe Paul truly met Jesus. But this makes no sense if it were truly Jesus, because Jesus could always speak through the Holy Spirit to the 12 to tell them that Paul is truly a follower of the true Jesus. Only a false Jesus would ever tell Paul to not go to Jerusalem because the 12 would not believe Paul's story. A false Jesus would not want Paul to talk to the 12 apostles because they would give him the imposter criteria which the true Jesus gave them that would have clearly excluded the possibility that Paul had met the true Jesus outside Damascus. So in this instance Paul departed Jerusalem, and never was explained the sign of the Son of Man coming on clouds of glory which would have let Paul realize he was being duped by a false Jesus.

As we explained in our article on the importance of Paul not going to meet the 12 early on, Paul never heard the Son of Man criteria which filters out the Jesus whom Paul met as false. We wrote:

Paul himself admits this at the time he wrote Galatians more than 20 years after becoming a Christian. Paul said he declined to listen to the twelve apostles, preferring instead his direct revelations from the Lord Jesus whom he met during that first experience. In Galatians 1:12, Paul explained: "I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ." In Galatians 2:6, talking of the twelve apostles, Paul says:

"But from those who were reputed to be somewhat (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepteth not man's person)-- they, I say, who were of repute imparted nothing to me:" (Galatians 2:6 ASV.)

Would the true Jesus have inspired the following blasphemies that we find clearly in the writings of Paul?

1. God supposedly will send a delusion on people to believe a lie and remain lost, when the true Jesus says that God will seek out the lost sheep to bring them to salvation. Paul wrote:

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie,12 that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thess. 2:10-13 KJV-21st)

So Paul teaches God is the cause of a delusion so that men should believe a lie and be damned. Umm.... Really? Does that sound like the God who cannot lie, as God revealed to Moses in Numbers 23:19?

Paul teaches the rulers of this world are agents of God, and whoever rebels against their commands "rebels against God." (Romans 13:1-5) But the true Jesus taught they are under the dominion of Satan.

Consider also, approximately 21 years after Paul became a believer in Jesus, he went to Jerusalem, even though a prophet Agabus and other believers speaking through the Holy Spirit, according to Luke, told him not to go to Jerusalem. God through Agabus, a prophet, told Paul, according to Luke, not to make this journey to Jerusalem (Acts 21:4) but that, as Luke records, Paul deliberately disobeyed God. (Acts 21:17.)

On this trip, Paul's traveling companion defiled the temple by entering it in an uncircumcised state. (Acts 21:28-29.) Neither Luke nor Paul ever deny Trophimus defiled the Temple. Instead, both Luke and Paul merely try to deny there was proof that Paul had brought Trophimus into the prohibited area. (Acts 21:29, 24:6, 13, 18; 25:7-8.) Luke says the Jews "supposed" Paul had done so because they earlier saw Paul together with Trophimus in Jerusalem. (Acts 21:28-29.) Trophimus was indeed a close companion of Paul. (Acts 20:4; 2 Tim.4:20.)

In this instance, why didn't the true Jesus who Paul supposedly knew tell Paul that these other Holy Spirit messages were indeed to be obeyed? If Paul were truly in such normal contact with Jesus, how could Paul disobey the Holy Spirit in this way?

For more detail, see our articles:



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