Jesus Words Only


"The Spirit of the Apostles is not a guide equal or greater than the Lord, thus Paul within his letters does not have as much authority as has Christ" (Carlstadt, Canonicis Scripturis (1520)

Jesus' Words Only


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

What Did Jesus Say? (2012) - 7 topics 

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Jesus Words Only
Jesus Words Only

Jesus Words on Salvation
Jesus Words on Salvation

Did Calvin Murder Servetus?

Was Paul correct Deut 25:4 was God's mandate pastors are entitled to make a living by preaching?

Jul 2, 2022

Video Description

Jesus in Matthew 10:7-9 teaches the apostles to preach, and ask nothing from the hearers in return; and instead "freely you received, freely give." Apostle John said in 3 John 7 the apostles scrupulously had missionaries "take nothing from the Gentiles." Evidently, this was not only to obey Jesus, but also to avoid the corrupting influence to match the gospel to please the one who is paying you.

In Isaiah 56:11 Yahweh says the "dogs are greedy" -- they are the "pastors" who "have no understanding," and "they all have turned to their own way," for "unjust gain."

In Ezekiel 13:19 Yahweh talks of the spiritual leaders who "pollute my people" to get from them "handfuls of barley and pieces of bread," and they spiritually "slay those who should not die," by "your lying to my people."

2 Peter 2:15, 16 talks of those who did spiritual service like Balaam did -- for the "love of wages of unrighteous."

Who was Balaam earlier in the Bible? Balaam is even mentioned by Jesus in Revelation because someone like Balaam was influencing the church at Pergamos it is ok to eat meat sacrificed to idols.

Paul teaches it is ok to eat such idol meat, but one should refrain in front of someone who thinks it is wrong. This is why Ezra Palm Gould thought Revelation was "anti-Paul," for if Jesus truly said these things against idol meat, Paul is destroyed.

So how did Jesus intend the preachers to be able to be self-supporting but spread the gospel if they must obey 'freely you received, freely you give"?

16:15 In Matt 10:8-9 Jesus tells preachers to survive using the law of hospitality in the Law of Moses in several place. What is that? You can ask to stay with someone, and if accepted, then in return you must serve the role of a household servant who helps with household chores, feeding animals, and but yo also have right to wages in return. This is where the saying of Jesus says "a workman is worthy of his wage."

17:50 Paul has an opposing view in 1 Cor. 9:7-14. He uses Deut 25:4 about not to muzzle an ox . He says it had nothing to do with an ox, for God does not care for oxen. Instead, it was altogether for "our" benefit - meaning pastors. This oxen passage is God's command that those who preach the gospel have a right from their flock to make a living doing so. (1 Cor. 9:14.)

How ironic! The only verse from the Law Paul says that survives all his abrogation-principes is a verse that Paul read God's mind in a self-serving way, and contrary to the precise words of the text.

19:57 Also, the idea God does not love animals is contradicted by Jesus. See Matt 6:6 (God "feeds" the sparrows); Matt 10:29 "a sparrow will not fall ... without the Father's care."

20:20 In the Law of Moses are many commands to care for animals, e.g., if it falls in a pit you must rescue it - even on sabbath; animals must be allowed to rest on Sabbath; and you animals must be fed before you eat breakfast.

21:20 Macarius Magnus in 300 AD wrote a defense of Christianity, but Paul here he said uses the Scripture to conceal his own corrupt motives, and misrepresents God' as not caring for animals, and here "respects the Law" only for "sake of covetousness."

25:55 Tovia Singer makes a valid point that Paul is contradicting the Scripture of Deut 25:4.



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