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‘This Day I Have Begotten You’ - Why Jerome Left Out of Vulgate of 405 AD. Ep #4(a)

Jul 28, 2022

Video Description

How Many Latin Vulgates Involved in Latin Vulgate?

About 7 Vulgates prior to 405 AD are recorded as having "this day I have begotten thee" at Jesus' baptism. None are noted missing it. Why did Jerome not use that?

1. Bishop Faustus refuted the Nicene Creed using this language in both Matthew and Luke in a debate with Augustine in 383 AD -- the same year Jerome finished the NT for the Bible which had to wait until 405 AD to be published after 22 more years of Jerome translating the OT.

2. Jerome was likely concerned with the use of "This Day I have begotten thee" disproving the Nicene Creed that holds Jesus is "begotten not made." If Jesus is begotten as the Son at his baptism, Jesus could not be said to be begotten but not "made."

But Jerome goes to Caeserea library where a Hebrew Matthew exists that the Nazarenes and Ebionites use, and he says in 398 AD he had just recently translated in his commentary on Mathew 12:31:

“In the Gospel which the Nazarenes and Ebionites use (which I have lately translated into Greek from the Hebrew, and which is called by many (or most) people the original of Matthew), this man who had the withered hand is described as a mason, who prays for help in such words as this: ‘I was a mason seeking a livelihood with my hands. I pray thee, Jesus, to restore me mine health, that I may not beg meanly for my food.’”

We know from Epiphanius in 375 AD -- 23 years earlier -- that the Ebionite Hebrew Matthew has the language "this day I have begotten thee" spoken by God from heaven. So Jerome likely is seeing that, but is not quoting it.

Then in 415 AD, Jerome quotes from the Nazarene (not Ebionite) Matthew, and a portion of its baptism account, which reads:

“In the Gospel written in the Hebrew script that the Nazarenes read, the whole fount of the Holy Spirit descends upon Him, for God is Spirit and where the Spirit resides, there is freedom. Further in the Gospel which we have just mentioned we find the following written: “When the Lord came [1] up out of the water the whole fount of the Holy Spirit descended upon Him and rested on Him saying, ‘My Son, in all the prophets was I waiting for You that You should come and I might rest in You. For You are My rest. You are My first begotten Son that prevails forever.’” (Jerome, Commentary on Isaiah 4) [410 AD] [Wikipedia]

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