Jesus Words Only


"The Spirit of the Apostles is not a guide equal or greater than the Lord, thus Paul within his letters does not have as much authority as has Christ" (Carlstadt, Canonicis Scripturis (1520)

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Did Calvin Murder Servetus?

Was Sir Isaac Newton Correct that 1 Jn 5:7-8 Is A Mistranslation Caused Ultimately by Jerome?

Jul 30, 2022

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In 1522, Erasmus was tricked into putting in 1 Jn 5:7 because he challenged a Catholic scholar that he would put in what Jerome had in the vulgate Latin Bible of 405 AD if the scholar could find one Greek manuscript that had 1 Jn 5:7. Well, the scholar came back, and said "Here is one." It was 2 pages. The scholar put the date 1520 on it, so did he really trick Erasmus, or did Erasmus spin it later that way, we will never know. But it was indeed in Greek, and it had 1 Jn 5:7 - the "father, word, and Holy Spirit are one" -- the clearest possible statement of the trinity you could imagine.

But it was a fraud. When was this exposed? In 1690 by Sir Isaac Newton -- the famous scientist. Not only did he expose it, he destroyed it. For Sir Isaac was an amateur study of all the manuscripts, and read all the church fathers, with encylopedic knowledge. This video is also a shout out of praise to Sir Isaac for the incredible work he did. We will read several panels, but do not turn off the video. Everyone needs to see that he is like an Indiana Jones of church manuscripts in vairous libraries that Sir Isaac went to see, rare books he obtained, etc., to expose this fraud.

Why tell this story now?

Well he proves who is the ultimate culprit -- without doubt -- it was Jerome alone who added this version in his 405 AD Latin Vulgate, for it was not in any of in all Vulgates before him, whether in Italy or in the earlier Ethiopic and Syrian Vulgates. It was in none of the ancient Greek manuscripts. It was never quoted enough in any of the church fathers before except (1) obtvious handwriting experts detected in both sources were fraudulently added years later; or (2) was truly only a quote of verse 8 that has very similar language and was in fact the inspiration to create verse 7 -- as verse 8 says "the three are one" --but that is merely the Spirit, water and blood. So when people cite the 'fathers,' and tell you verse 7 is in verse 8, Sir Isaac cut out that possibity by proving in cases where it appeared in the fathers it was fraud, or one is reading wishfully imagining verse 8 quotes is a refernce to a verse 7 - a non-existent verse at that earlier time.

Finally, Sir Isaac turns to the culprit, and finds Jerome's virtual admission in the Preface to the NT in 405 AD, that he admits he has received push back by accusers that 1 Jn 5:7 is a fraud. Jerome defends himself by explaining how the verse helps doctrine, rather than expounding where Jerome got it. And Newton says the accusers' words themselves are saying verse 7 was striking, and they pushed back as fraud - as Jerome admits, and their voice needs to be considered. Sir Isaac then proves none of the Latin vulgates -- Latin versions of the NT -- had this verse 7, except a couple of copies which are late alterations, that Sir Isaac also proves.

His final conclusion proves Jerome fraudulently added the verse. This now causes us to reconsider whether Jerome topoedoed "This day I have begotten thee" in Matthew and Luke to fraudulently support the Trinity as well. There is a similar dearth of any prior Latin Vulgates before Jerome's 405 AD Vulgate -- Wellker shows 8 Ital's that had "this day I have begotten thee" - and it is in all oldest Greek mss such as Bezae when the 1611 KJV is issued.

Since then Sinaticus also lacks it, but there is some serious doubt about the dating of the Sinaticus. This scholar of Chick Publications says the patron of Tischendorf said the 2 and 4 columns of the Sinaitcus was used for 30 years in the mid 400s for the first time, and then no longer used.

See • 11 How Old Is It Really?

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