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"The Spirit of the Apostles is not a guide equal or greater than the Lord, thus Paul within his letters does not have as much authority as has Christ" (Carlstadt, Canonicis Scripturis (1520)

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Second Peter - Doesn't this say many are reading Paul's words to endorse lawlessness?

Jun 27, 2022

Video Description

Second Peter 3:15-17 reads in the NIV:

15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.

17 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.

Second Peter is construed by defenders of Paul as endorsing Paul. But in truth and in context, isn't it a warning that Paul's words are hard to understand, and many Christians fall from their steadfastness in Christ, and into a lost condition, by believing Paul endorses a lack of concern for law-abiding life?

Many false translations help create an aura that this verse says Paul is inspired. So it only says Paul spoke with the wisdom given him, but some translations add "from God" to make it appear Peter says Paul is inspired. This is a false addition.

Also, Peter says Paul has some writings of Paul utter DYSNOETAS - which means nonsensical in Greek. The prefix DYS means 'destructive of' (like DYSTOPIA V UTOPIA in English). NOETAS means sensible, good thinking. The NIV translates as "hard to understand" -- possibly intended to suggest it is not the writer's fault but our lack of understanding. It is regardless a knock on Paul.

Also, Peter does not use the word SCRIPTURES like we use the word --- to mean a holy writing, and thus does not put Paul's writing on the level of holy writ. Instead, the word is simply GRAPHE - Paul is only like ordinary writings that are likewise twisted by many to lawless ends.

What is ignored is Peter is warning what can happen if you find a lawless view in Paul -- a "fall" from one's "steadfastness" -- and you then live like that. You suffer a "fall from one's steadfastness in Christ.

We also examine 2 Tim. 3:16 which gave us a false meaning of the word "SCRIPTURE' by adding an IS into this verse where it never belonged.

This perversion started with the KJV, first in history. The last authority before this was Tyndale 50 years earlier who did one of the first English translations. He was trained in Greek, and he had it "All scripture inspired of God is useful, etc.:" See Tyndale version at Video 10:27.

The purpose of undermining Faith Alone in 2 Peter is self-evident. The Bible in 2 Peter 1:10 likewise talks about making your calling and election secure and guaranteed by doing “good works.” These words from the best manuscripts were suppressed in our modern English Bibles. Only one English translation today preserves the true original of 2 Peter 1:10 with "good works" sticking in the craw of many:

Wherefore, brethren, labour the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election. For doing these things, you shall not sin at any time. (Douay-Rheims.) (2 Peter 1:10.)

How strong is the presence of "good works" in this verse? The earliest strains of the New Testament dating to 340 AD, as well as the Latin Vulgate of the early 400s, the Alexandrian text, and two source texts Beza had (upon which the KJV was to be based), have this “good works” in 2 Peter 1:10.

"Two ancient manuscripts, the Alexandrine and the Sinaitic,1 insert here, 'Through your good works." (Pulpit Commentary.)

Despite this overwhelming manuscript evidence, every English version but Douay-Rheims reads otherwise. The American Standard Version is typical:

Wherefore, brethren, give the more diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never stumble: (2 Peter 1:10 ASV.)

You can easily see “good works” is missing, because the second clause says “if you do these things, you shall never stumble.” What things? The “good works” that were in all the best earlier strains of this passage. Without that, the antecedent reference is missing, and the deletion by accident or on purpose is obvious.

Likewise, "by good works" was in the Vulgate Latin version and two copies of Beza’s read; or "by your good works" (Gill’s Exposition)

Despite this overwhelming manuscript evidence, "good works" remains suppressed despite it being in all earliest mss we have found.

I devoted a later video to solving how this happened. I figured out that Erasmus in 1516 dropped these two words out in his effort to collate Greek texts. This was seen likely has a happy accident which allowed later translators to ignore the actual Greek mss which all 100% have "good works." See our video at this link:

Mistake Exploited to Protect Paul: 500 years + failing to restore “good works” to 2 Peter 1:10.



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