Jesus Words Only


"The Spirit of the Apostles is not a guide equal or greater than the Lord, thus Paul within his letters does not have as much authority as has Christ" (Carlstadt, Canonicis Scripturis (1520)

Jesus' Words Only


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What Did Jesus Say? (2012) - 7 topics 

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Jesus Words Only

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Jesus Words on Salvation

Did Calvin Murder Servetus?

Did Trophimus Defile Temple per Acts 21:28? Could the true Jesus have uttered Acts 22:18?

Jul 8, 2022

Video Description

Some asked me to describe in a video who is Trophimus, and how do we know he defiled the Temple. This video reviews the entire passages in Acts 21-22, parts of 24 as well, to make the charges and defenses clear.

Clearly in Acts 21:28, the accusers say in the perfect tense in Greek - meaning past tense -- that Paul's friend (Trophimus) defiled the Temple at Jerusalem. Paul's later response does not dispute that Trophimus defiled the Temple, but says at the relevant time, the accusers found Paul ceremonially washing / purifying himself. So it is as clear as one can infer from point and counter-point that Trophimus' guilt was beyond question.

This video also covers one more time that Paul tells in his own words -- not Luke summarizing -- what happened on the Damascus Road. What is interesting is Paul here explains Jesus talks about 2 weeks later to Paul after he rushed back to Jerusalem from Damascus -- 168 miles -- to talk to apostles, and "Jesus" waits until Paul is in the Temple praying to tell Paul not to see the apostles, and leave, because they won't believe Paul met Jesus. Paul says in response, in effect ' but Jesus, I killed so many followers among the brethren, including Stephen, I sorely want to talk to them.' Jesus replies in effect, 'Depart, I am sending you to the gentiles.'

Odd isn't it?

Paul never thought to ask himself why this Jesus could convince Paul -- an enemy -- to change course, but the apostles Jesus supposedly could not appear miraculously to them and talk miraculously from heaven, or in dreams, to get them to accept Paul. A major incongruity.

Paul in this event started by trying to prove he was upholding Torah, and yet it all unravelled by Paul's being accused of the worst sacrilege.

While Paul ultimately will win this charge at Rome, as the prior videos show, it is clear that Trophimus was likely exposed to two justifications to enter the Temple prohibited area: 1. Paul told Ephesians like Trophimus that the middle wall of separation that kept out uncircumcised gentiles, God tore away, and those ordinances are gone; and 2. Trophimus had been on trip since time in Greece, then Macedonia, and Asia and thus heard Paul's Mars Hill speech where he told the pagan philosophers that God does not live 'in temples made of human hands." This is biblically false, but Trophimus may not know this, and would take this fact as license to enter the sacred area, because Paul assured him there is no God inside who would be offended.

In the end, a few years later - 10 yars -- the seige began by the Romans and by 70 AD, the Temple was destroyed.

The abomination was cleansed by God's own actions.



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