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Habakkuk and Paul Series – Ep #1: Did Paul Know Ebionites Thought Habakkuk 2:4 Applied to Him?

Jul 18, 2022

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Habakkuk and Paul Series – Ep #1: Did Paul Know Ebionites Thought Habakkuk 2:4 Applied to Him?

11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, ‘The just shall live by faith.’

12 And the law is not of faith: but, ‘The man that does them shall live in them.’

(Gal. 3:11-12 KJV.)

This quotes in part 2 passages of the Original Covenant text as follows -- Hab 2:4 and Lev. 18:5:

11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, ‘The just shall live by faith.’ [cf. Hab. 2:4.]

12 And the law is not of faith: but, ‘The man that does them shall live in them.’ [Lev. 18:5] (Gal. 3:11-12 KJV.)

However, Habakkuk 2:4 reads in full:

4 “Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith [fidelity]. (Cf. Hab. 2:4 KJV.) cf. Israel Bible.

The word "his" in Hab. 2:4 is omitted by Paul, and this is material. By omitting the first part -- "his soul is not upright within him" -- Paul removed the referrent for "his" in the second part. The just shall live by "his" (the person whose soul is not right) or 'faithfulness (the likely true meaning of 'faith' here, as the Israel Bible renders it).

Paul was not using the Septuagint either. For it reads "my faith." Thus, Paul made up a completely new version of the verse -- not using either the Hebrew or Septuagint versions.

We show that in just examining the Dead Sea Scrolls version of this passage -- proving it read as early as 200 bc the same -- there are four times "he" and "him" are used about someone who is a bad person but whose faithfulness is simultaneously worthy to follow -- but only that. "He is proud, and his spirit is not right within him; ... he is a haughty man; He enlarges his desire as SHEOL (or SH'aul = Saul), and HE IS DEATH [meaning deadly] and he "gathers all nations to himself" and "collects to himself all peoples" -- as even Paul's self-styled name "apostle to the gentiles" implies.

Why did Paul misquote Hab. 2:4, and leave out the "him"?

Two possibilities exist:

1. Paul believes he found an easier way to salvation that Leviticus 18:5. So he will not show you the true verse of Habakkuk 2:4 but quote out of context to deflect Lev. 18:5.

2. We have historical evidence that the Ebionite Church of Peter, James (brother of Jesus) and John ends up citing Habakkuk 2:4-5 & 7:11 Against Paul – that he is the prophesied figure if you quote all of Habakkuk 2:4 (a).

So was something early on triggering Paul wanting to set the narrative that this verse could be used against the Ebionites favorite verse that upholds obeying Torah as a path to life -- Lev. 18:5, by twisting Hab. 2:4 to counter it as misquoted?

Ebionites Made A Similar Connection At Some Point in Time.

The Christian Ebionites made a similar connection regarding Habakkuk 2:4-5 in the 1st century. Their writings were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. In 1QpHab, known as the Habakkuk Pesher, the Poor (Ebionites) claim Habakkuk 2:4-5 “refers to the Wicked Priest who was called by the name of truth at the beginning of his office, but he became arrogant and abandoned God.” The scrolls go on, saying Habakkuk 2:7-11 “concerns the Wicked Priest, who attempted to destroy the Teacher of Righteousness. God will deliver him into the hands of his enemies for punishment."

The DSS docs continues: "the Spouter of Lies…leads many astray in order to build his city of vanity on blood and erect an Assembly upon Lying, for the sake of his glory, tiring out many with a worthless service and instructing them in works of Lying, so that their works will be of Emptiness.”

Furthermore, their leader--the Zaddik--is in a struggle against the "Spouter of Lies" who seeks to seduce the New Covenant community from following the Law of Moses. The Poor (Ebion) reject the idea Habakkuk 2:4 means justification is by faith and insist its meaning is "justification by faithfulness." The DSS Ebion have two writings both called "Justification by Works" which reaffirm their rejection of the position of the "Spouter of Lies

This faith-works discussion of the Habakkuk Pesher continues in a work by The Poor entitled the Damascus Document. It says the contrary view on "works" justification is held by the "Spouter of Lies" who resists the "Zaddik." The "Spouter of Lies" seeks to have the "Congregation of the New Covenant" depart from the Law. A heated public confrontation occurs between the Zaddik and the Spouter of Lies. You can find this Damascus Document in any of the many compendiums of the DSS to verify this yourself.

Professor Eisenman claims this Damascus Document is too uncanny a reference to Paul and James to claim it reflects a pre-Christian debate.

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