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"The Spirit of the Apostles is not a guide equal or greater than the Lord, thus Paul within his letters does not have as much authority as has Christ" (Carlstadt, Canonicis Scripturis (1520)

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Habakkuk & Paul – Ep #6: Does Paul "not stay at home" to match Hab. 2:5?

Jul 19, 2022

Video Description

We examine whether the prophecy of Habakkuk 2:5 that the proud one whose spirit is not right within himself and "does not stay at home" as to the last elemet applies to Paul.

Paul's missionary journeys are well known. Why would God depict something 'good' as an aspect of this evil man as another trait of this man of pride? Is there something negative in Paul's missions?

Yes, and very much so.

First, on the surface there are two odd Holy Spirit messages of Interference Post-Jerusalem Conference of 49 AD during the Second Missionary Journey of Paul.

First is Acts 16:6NKJV - 6 Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia."

So as Paul is travelling west through Galatia, and must cross Asia, Paul is commanded supposedly by "the Holy Spirit" to not "preach the word in Asia." Why? What harm would it do? Is this truly the Holy Spirit of Yahweh speaking? Luke is not present when this happens, for Luke shows up in Philippi, and they are not there yet.

In the very next verse, the Holy Spirit next bars Paul from going north eitherr.

Acts 16:7NKJV -7 After they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not.

If you look at a map, Paul has been cut off going north and south by the Holy Spirit, as Paul is travelling west. He is at the coast, and has nowhere else to go except to Macedonia.

Then this strange thing happens.

9 And a vision through the night appeared to Paul -- a certain man of Macedonia was standing, calling upon him, and saying, `Having passed through to Macedonia, help us;’ – (Acts 16:9 YLT.)

So rather than God speaking to Paul, Paul has a vision of a man calling him to Macedon 'help us.' The capital is Philippi where the Python Priestess operates her oracle and demonic messages - a priestess whose words can establish kings and create trust in a single person.

So Paul has been given now way out by the supposed 'holy spirit' - dubious -- and a night vision to go to Macedon whose capital is Philippi. Hence, Paul goes, and there for the first time Luke enters personally into the events.

The video will provide a recap from our Python Priestss video how this python's endorsement of Paul's "way of salvatoin" for "many days," before Paul decided to cast the demon out of her, advanced Paul's stature -- if not in Philipppi, at least in the reader Theophilus and Nero Caesar who were given Acts to evaluate Paul for the upcoming trial.

Then Paul returns to Caesarea -- coast of Israel / Judea, and then went on to Antioch. (Acts 18:22)

Thereafter sometime Paul beings his third missionary journey. David McCallum summarizes:

"The Third Missionary Journey-- After allowing the winter to pass, Paul started his 3rd Missionary Journey in the spring of 52 A.D. Paul's journey brought him to Ephesus where he stayed for 2 years and 3 months. This brings us to the summer of 54 A.D." (Dennis McCallum, Chron Study)

But what happened to God's command in Acts 16:6?

Acts 16:6 – Had God Revoke this?

NKJV - 6 Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia.

Dennis McCallum continues:

"Returning through Macedonia during the spring (Acts 20:3), he sailed from Phillipi shortly after April 7 (Acts 20:6). He arrived in Jerusalem in May/June A.D. 55, prior to Pentecost." (Dennis McCallum, Chron Study)

In Acts 21:4, Luke’s Greek is emphatic on how urgent was God trying to get through to Paul:

"And after looking up the disciples, we stayed there seven days; and they kept telling Paul through the [Holy]s Spirit not to set foot in Jerusalem." NASB

Luke is also opposed to Paul going to Jerusalem:

12 And when we heard these things, we called upon [him] -- both we, and those of that place -- not to go up to Jerusalem. (Acts 21:10-11 YLT)

Paul is defiant, and Luke is Not Agreeing:

"13 and Paul answered, “What do you -- weeping, and crushing my heart? for I, not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem, am ready, for the name of the Lord Jesus” 14 and he not being persuaded, we were silent, saying, `The will of the Lord be done.’ " (Acts 21:13-14 YLT.)

This is agreed upon by conservative Christian scholar James Montgomery Boice in his book entitled Acts (Baker Books, 1997). Dr. Leon Combs in 2006 wrote about this, using Paul's example to prove how disobeying God sometimes works out just fine ("God uses our failures for His glory"). Dr. Combs explains regarding Acts 21:4:

“in this chapter we will see how Paul did not obey God in going to Jerusalem. I would not present this interpretation if it were not also backed up by one of my favorite theologians, James Montgomery Boice.”

Paul's disobedience led to his travelling compansion Trophimus -an Ephesian -- defiling the temple. See Acts 21:18.

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