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"The Spirit of the Apostles is not a guide equal or greater than the Lord, thus Paul within his letters does not have as much authority as has Christ" (Carlstadt, Canonicis Scripturis (1520)

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Secret History of Post-Paul Church Pt 4: Did Tertullian refer to Paul as “Apostle of the Heretics?”

Jul 22, 2022

Video Description

In the end, Tertullian said: “[Paul] is the apostle of the heretics.” (Tertullian, Adversus Marcion 3:5, “haereticorum apostolus”.)

Some claim we should soften Those who study know the passage says nothing else than "apostle of the heretics" or "heretics apostle.'

Edwin Johnson, an English historian, likewise said in 1887 in Antiqua Mater: “It is clear that Tertullian had no liking for Paul…He calls him the ‘heretics’ apostle.’” (Edwin Johnson, Antiqua Mater: A Study of Christian Origins (1887) at pages 236-237.)

For Lietzmann said “the writings of Paul -- the haereticorum apostolos of Tertullian -- were regarded suspiciously at Rome.” (Hans Lietzmann,The Lord's Supper (Brill: 1979) at 282.)

In 1868, Peter Holmes mistranslated the “apostle of the heretics” as “the apostle whom the heretics adopt,” in Against Marcion 3.5 See, Tertullian, Adversus Marcion3:5, “haereticorum apostolus."

This was n the Ante-Nicene Fathers, edited by Roberts & Donaldson, in vol. VII (1868).

He translated it as "When the very apostle whom our heretics adopt...." (Pg. 126.)

Mr. Peters put in a footnote to this -- "Haerticorum apostolos." See fn. 5. Thus, he permitted only those fluent in Latin to know the only words were -- literally -- of the heretics, apostle, which in Latin is read backwarrds -- apostle of the heretics."

Thus, the words added were VERY WHOM OUR and ADOPT. This should have been bracketed to reveal to the 99% of persons reading who do not know the Latin in fn. 5, so as not to mislead that this was truly Tertullian's express thoughts.

The webmaster of Early Church 101 claimed I did not translate this corrrectly as "apostle of the heretics." But here is Oxford University Press with a translation in 1972:

"Even the hertis' own apostle ...." The word "own" is fair because "haereticorum" means OF THE HERETICS. Hence, "of' and 'own'' serve synonymous function.

The webmaster Earch Church 101 asked help from a professor who will go nameless -- and he ageed my translation was technically correct but that if you read all five books of Marcon supposedly it was not that ngative about Paul.

My response is simple: no one in translation can add words without telling the readier, by brackets or some rassonable means.

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