Jesus Words Only


"The Spirit of the Apostles is not a guide equal or greater than the Lord, thus Paul within his letters does not have as much authority as has Christ" (Carlstadt, Canonicis Scripturis (1520)

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Jesus Words Only
Jesus Words Only

Jesus Words on Salvation
Jesus Words on Salvation

Did Calvin Murder Servetus?

Genesis 15:6 - we are under the oldest covenant says Paul, and not a new covenant brought by Jesus.

Jun 26, 2022

Video Description

Paul says that a message of salvation was in Gen. 15:6 when God supposedly justified a godless Abraham based upon faith alone. And this covenant cannot be annulled or changed by Yahweh at Sinai when He attempted to bring the Law of Moses. So says Paul in Gal. 3:15, 3:17. Hence, the Mosaic law is rendered a nullity from the beginning. Hence, salvation was only by Gen. 15:6 at a point 430 years earlier, and never could legitimately be changed by God (supposedly).

Gal. 3:17 says: ‘And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ [i.e., the covenant with Abraham,] the Law [of Moses], which was four hundred and thirty years after [Abraham], cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. “

What is shocking is Paul has to know he is saying the plan of salvation in the Law of Moses was void ab initio because God was not even permitted to change the covenant with Abraham that salvation comes by faith alone. What was its plan of salvation? Easy to find.

Yahweh said in between the first and second commandments that “I extend mercy to those who love me and obey my commandments” (Exodus 20:6 KJV). Paul is saying God thereby violated his covenant with Abraham and his seed that salvation belonged to any ungodly man or woman if they just believed what blessings God promised Abraham belonged to themselves as well as heirs of the promise. Hence, YHWH at Sinai with Moses supposedly did something at odds with a covenant with Abraham, and Paul has Yahweh on the defense and in the dock, so to speak.

But if Paul is correct, then why does Jesus quotes Exodus 20:6 “obey the commandments” in Mat 19:16-26 and Luke 18:18-26 as the path to “eternal life” -- quoting several of the ten in the response? Jesus must not have received the notice that the Law was void from the beginning.

Due to Paul having more authority than YHWH and Jesus in most everyday Christians' eyes, both the true Jesus and Yahweh are virtually in the dock (on the witness stand as criminals) for trying to invoke the Ten Commandments plan of salvation -- mercy is for loving Yahweh and obeying the ten commandments, when both should have known better. The universe is off kilter in Paul's odd views.

By what right did Paulrewrite Gen. 15:6 to imply a covenant for what happened in Gen. 15:6 when everyone knew before Paul that a covenant first appears only in Gen. 17:1-6 – the Abrahamic covenant is proposed on strict obedience terms, and accepted? It is a mystery.

Could Paul also not have know his abrogation of the Sinai law (as well as slipshod readings of Genesis) made him an apostate rebel to God? Did Paul never read Isaiah 8:20? He had to have, because Paul quotes Isaiah 8:14 from the Hebrew version (not the Greek) in Romans 9:33 – and Isaiah 8:20 six verses later says that whoever speaks against the Law of Moses “has no light in him.”

Also, Paul’s view of Gen. 15:6 as a supposed covenant – although it is not stated to be one until much later in Genesis -- is flagrantly wrong – let’s face it. It is Gen. 17:1-6 when God first mentions a covenant in the future, proposes it to Abraham, and requires full obedience; Abraham falls to the ground in acceptance apparently, and then YHWH declares his promise to bless Abraham with many offspring, and other benefits. Thus, the only Abraham covenant is not in Gen. 15:6 at all, and only is in Gen. 17:1-6, conditional on obedience, not faith, for the promises.

We discuss also the fact that in Romans 4:5, Paul says "However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness." (Romans 4:5.)

This implies God justified Abraham while he was “ungodly” – meaning he was still in sin and without godly acts of reformation. However, Yahweh says in Exodus 23:7 “I will not justify the ungodly.” Also, Proverbs 17:15 says “he that justifieth the ungodly is .. an abomination.” Ouch! This means Paul implied his god [little g is proper] who justified Abraham in an ungodly state would be, had Paul remembered Scripture, an abomination in the eyes of the true God, YHWH. Thus Paul's words recklessly imply the true God YHWH is guilty of an abomination and is also a law violator by giving the Sinai law in violation of an Abrahamic covenant.

If Paul was consciously aware of Exodus 23:7 (he should know of it) and Prov. 17:15, wouldn’t that mean Paul implied his god (little g is proper here) was guilty of an abomination every time such god “saved” his own in such a state? If not, think about the kind of god Paul created to those who do remember Ex. 23:7 and Proverbs 17:15 by virtue of his doctrine – a god that the true God, YHWH, has already judged as guilty of an abomination now and into the end of time. Something to think about.

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